Conflicting thoughts induce conflicts within self. The
conflict between the heart and mind is a never ending crusade with any victory
or defeat. Morale and intuition drive
heart while intellect and rationale drive the mind. Each treads a path of
veracity in its own dimension, but not justified until totality is perceived.
Vulnerability of
heart is not heeded by mind, and so is the case with its pragmatic sanction in
a vice-versa. Ego plays the referee and that whichever has an upper hand at the
moment, will inevitably give place to another. However, mind and heart buttress each other
and definitely need one another for the buildup of man’s personality and
Human emotion is both a cause and cure for this phenomenon.
The most challenging arcade of life is to win over his own architect, the lord
of his house and material body. Most of the times, man continues to swing
between infinities until both heart and mind meet. Nevertheless, they are two
asymptotic tracks of life which seem to meet at a distant point, but run parallel. This paradox is nothing but a game of priorities.
A psychological paradox!!