Thursday 24 November 2011

Innovating Life

Life-a lucrative thought for any individual! A thought which can make you feel every emotion viz. being happy to being gloomy; to love or to be loved; to detest or to be hated; to act prudent or to be foolish. It is a thought which makes you think more intense and deeper, putting forward many questions and thereby instilling zeal to inquire about them. It makes you look at things in a broader perspective to resolve the unanswered questions posed by your own self. In a way, it gives you a purpose which is, perhaps, yet to be served, but not realized still!!

The innovation through one’s life, to explore oneself gives a sense of extreme euphoria. At the same time, just as every petty thing in this world has its own “2 extremities”; - it can be extremely disastrous as well! It can be highly encouraging, at the same time equally demoralizing. Life is such an oxymoron that, innovation through it can never reach to a proper discovery, in its proper sense. At times you are a neophyte and at times you are the most erudite. It is a highly abstruse thing and outstandingly an abstract one.

According to my perception, the innovation, or more aptly the science of life is called the philosophy-  the so called philosophy, and every man has his own version of it; which need not be precisely understood by every other being. This is where we come across the overhead of not reaching to a proper discovery in its proper sense.

How does one’s existence make any difference to oneself??

I have come to realize today that life can be understood, perceived or experienced better by making yourself as the center of the universe and realizing what you can do to your level best, leaving behind all the other  worldly factors- pleasures/ temptations, false prestige, gratitude in return to gratitude,  so on and so forth. On the contrary, living your life making the rest of the world as the centre and viewing it from a radial point will leave you nothing but a sense of despair, ambiguity, and a feel of incomprehensibility about the centre itself -the world.

Your life is to please yourself at the first place, and not the world. Winning over your own conscience is the ultimate success of mankind. Please your own soul, only then you’ll be the monarch of your life lest you remain a demagogue…


  1. An intense read, the words beautifully woven to convey depth in your thoughts! Excellent!!

  2. great work, snow! an excellent choice of words and a better presentation!
    a perfect article to describe the best of an egoist!!

  3. This post left me in a bliss,It answered many of my dilemmas :)The use of words was just amazing. A sincere and great attempt for the first time looking forward to read from you more

  4. my comment would rather be a glib.. but the post is filed with experience!! looking for more!!

  5. Himaja...thats so great...have not met u in recent times, remember u as a kid...but after reading this, i am so surprised, the depth of ur thoughts, ur understanding of life is amazing...looking forward to read from u more!!!

  6. this is quite an interesting perspective you have on life. im looking forward to reading more from you. =]

  7. Redirected to your blog. good job. Writings on philosophy always interest me.

    A little surprised to see article advocating egocentric style of living juxtaposed to FeedJit site analyzer which gives the live feed on visits by outsiders ;)

    Expect more posts from someone who's still in college.

    Your Alumnus,

    1. Thank you Sir :)
      Feedjit was actually for the blog, not for the article in particular :)

    2. Ok, fine...You apparently have stopped blogging. Is it lack of serious topics? or exams keeping you busy? You have a flair for writing, recommend continuing to blog.

      Btw...would like to know how our college days were when we were at AU? Plz do take time to read Not Just Cows Ruminate in my blog.I am sure, you will not regret it :)
